Squadron Contact Information

Squadron Mailing Address:
Annapolis Sail and Power Squadron
PO Box 4334 Annapolis, MD 21403

Education Program:


Vessel Safety Check:


Membership in ASPS:


Membership Dinner Meeting Reservations:


The Annapolis Sail and Power Squadron meets the first Thursday of each month from September to June for dinner meetings. Dinner meetings are held at the Annapolis Elks Lodge #622, 2 Pythian Drive, Edgewater, MD 21037.


Our meetings feature informative and interesting guest speakers.


Reservations are required and need to be made by 4:00pm on the Friday before the meeting. To make reservations, email aspsdinnerreservations@gmail.com or call Lorrie at 410-305-0232.


Annapolis Sail and Power Squadron (dba America's Boating Club of Annapolis) is a unit of America's Boating Club of the Mid-Atlantic, a component of America's Boating Club® and United States Power Squadrons ®, non-profit national organizations engaged in education, community service, and social activities related to recreational boating.


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