Squadron Events


USPS National Meeting:


Rosen Plaza Hotel

9700 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819
04 - 09 February, 2025

D/5 Member Point of Contact: D/C Robert S. Blevins, AP  (301 481-1408)


ASPS Executive Board Meeting:


ASPS Executive Board Meeting via ZOOM @ 7:00pm

February 27, 2025

March 27, 2025

April 24, 2025


ASPS April 2025 Dinner Meeting:


Thursday, April 03, 2025
Elks Lodge
2 Pythian Drive, Edgewater, MD 21037
6:00 PM - Social Hour
7:00 PM - Dinner
7:30 PM - TBD

Speaker Subject - TBD

Meal will include:
Honey Ham, Hand Carved Turkey,
Au Gratin Potatoes, Peas and Carrots,
Dinner Rolls & Butter, Desserts.

Vegetarian meals will be plated and served.
Vegetarian Option:
Pasta Primavera and Red Sauce.
Please indicate vegetarian
when you send your response.

Please indicate vegetarian when you send your response.


RSVP by Monday, 31 March, 4 PM to
or call Lorrie at 410-305-0232


$20.00 per person by cash or check at the door.
Make checks payable to Annapolis Elks.


Note: All no show reservations
are responsible for the cost of the dinner

D/5 Spring Conference & COW:


Spring Conference & COW

Holiday Inn - Ocean City, MD

Thursday, March 27 - Sunday, March 30


Bay Bridge Boat Show - 2025:


Visit our booth and volunteer at the Bay Bridge Boat Show (Safe Harbor Narrows Point,

Grasonville, MD), Friday, April 11 10:00am – 6:00pm, Saturday, April 12 10:00am – 6:00pm, & Sunday, April 13 10:00am – 5:00pm.


To volunteer for the Bay Bridge Boat Show, Click Here:  https://tinyurl.com/25BayBridgeSignUp


Once at the appropriate signup sheet, you will see available dates and time slots. Choose the open slots most convenient to your schedule and submit the information requested. Thereafter, your selection will be confirmed and listed accordingly. If you have any questions or need assistance, email boatshow@aspsmd.org.

If for some reason you are not able to keep your commitment, please let us know as soon as possible, so that someone else can cover that slot.

Entrance logistics and other directions will be emailed to you. All volunteers should wear your squadron shirt and name tag. Bring your squadron burgee if you are from a squadron other than ASPS.


ASPS May 2025 Dinner Meeting:


Thursday, May 01, 2025
Elks Lodge
2 Pythian Drive, Edgewater, MD 21037
6:00 PM - Social Hour
7:00 PM - Dinner
7:30 PM - Speaker -
TBD - Reference the May Anchor Watch

Speaker's Subject: TBD - Reference the May Anchor Watch

Meal will include:
TBD - Reference the May Anchor Watch

Vegetarian meals will be plated and served.
Vegetarian Option:
TBD - Reference the May Anchor Watch
Please indicate vegetarian when you send your response.


RSVP by Monday, 28 April, 4 PM to
or call Lorrie at 410-305-0232


$20.00 per person by cash or check at the door.
Make checks payable to Annapolis Elks.


Note: All no show reservations
are responsible for the cost of the dinner

D/5 Cruise & Rendezvous:


You are invited to join us at Smith Mountain Lake for a two-part event this

summer during the week of July 14-20, 2025.


Part 1 - The Cruise

Join us as we cruise the 20,000 acres of SML on house boats. Enjoy the live-aboard life in

fully equipped boats as we take in the sites and rendezvous locations around the lake. We'll

board the rented boats on Monday, 14 July, and cruise together for 4 days and return ashore

Thursday, the 17th. If house boats are not your thing, bring your boat, or rent a runabout of

your choice and sleep ashore.


Part 2 - The Rendezvous

On Thursday, 17 July, our activities will move to Mariner's Landing in Huddleston, Va.

This will be the center of our activities, hospitality and banquet. Mariner's Landing is a lake

front condo and residential community that includes swimming and fishing areas, docks,

tennis & pickle ball courts, fitness and game rooms, indoor and outdoor pools, eateries, golf

and more.


The Call to Action

July is a busy season for SML. Vacationers will soon be booking homes and boat rentals.

We need to get there before them. So, make the decision to join us for this event now. Then,

book reservations for your choice of boats and rooms before availability becomes difficult.

The sooner you book reservations the better. Details of activities are still being developed

and will be communicated as they come together. Rendezvous registration will also follow later.

Sharing boats and housing is encouraged.


Parrot Cove Boat Rentals

16441 Booker T. Washington Hwy

(540) 721-5363


House Boats: 53’ boats sleep up to 10. 39’ boats sleep up to 6.


Mariner's Landing

12263 Smith Mountain Lake Pkwy

Huddleston, VA



To make reservations: Use AirBnB or VRBO. In the search line use the address for

Mariner's Landing. This will return the condos that are available plus nearby houses.


Have questions or need additional information?

Contact Randy Stow, SMLstow@gmail.com or (540) 588- 0270.


Annapolis Powerboat Show - 2025:


Visit our booth and volunteer at the Annapolis Powerboat Show (City Dock, Annapolis, MD), Thursday, Oct 02: 9:30am to 6:30pm, Friday, Oct 03: 9:30am – 6:30pm, Saturday, Oct 04: 9:30am – 6:30pm, & Sunday, Oct 05: 9:30am – 5:00pm.

To volunteer for the Annapolis Powerboat Show, Click Here:  https://tinyurl.com/25PowerSignUp

Once at the appropriate signup sheet, you will see available dates and time slots. Choose the open slots most convenient to your schedule and submit the information requested. Thereafter, your selection will be confirmed and listed accordingly. If you have any questions or need assistance, email boatshow@aspsmd.org.

If for some reason you are not able to keep your commitment, please let us know as soon as possible, so that someone else can cover that slot.

Entrance logistics and other directions will be emailed to you. All volunteers should wear your squadron shirt and name tag. Bring your squadron burgee if you are from a squadron other than ASPS.


ASPS & KNSPS Ladies Lunch:


We would love you to join us for lunch! Please R.S.V.P. to Kathy Burke at kab2016dec@gmail.com or 410-279-0818

See the latest edition of the Anchor Watch for details.


February 11, 2025 @ 11:30am - Fisherman's Inn, 3116 Main Street Grasonville, MD 21638

410-827-8807  fishermansinn.com


March 11, 2025 @ 11:30am - TBD

April 08, 2025 @ 11:30am - TBD



Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show - 2025:


Visit our booth and volunteer at the Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show (City Dock, Annapolis, MD), Friday, April 25 10:00am – 6:00pm, Saturday, April 26 10:00am – 6:00pm, & Sunday, April 27 10:00am – 5:00pm.


To volunteer for the Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show, Click Here:  https:tinyurl.com/25SpringSailSignUp


Once at the appropriate signup sheet, you will see available dates and time slots. Choose the open slots most convenient to your schedule and submit the information requested. Thereafter, your selection will be confirmed and listed accordingly. If you have any questions or need assistance, email boatshow@aspsmd.org.

If for some reason you are not able to keep your commitment, please let us know as soon as possible, so that someone else can cover that slot.

Entrance logistics and other directions will be emailed to you. All volunteers should wear your squadron shirt and name tag. Bring your squadron burgee if you are from a squadron other than ASPS.


Annapolis Sailboat Show - 2025:


Visit our booth and volunteer at the Annapolis Sailboat Show (City Dock, Annapolis, MD), Thursday, Oct 09: 9:30am to 6:30pm, Friday, Oct 10: 9:30am – 6:30pm, Saturday, Oct 11: 9:30am – 6:30pm, & Sunday, Oct 12: 9:30am – 6:30pm. & Monday, Oct 13: 9:30am – 5:00pm.

To volunteer for the Annapolis Sailboat Show, Click Here:  https://tinyurl.com/25SailSignUp

Once at the appropriate signup sheet, you will see available dates and time slots. Choose the open slots most convenient to your schedule and submit the information requested. Thereafter, your selection will be confirmed and listed accordingly. If you have any questions or need assistance, email boatshow@aspsmd.org.

If for some reason you are not able to keep your commitment, please let us know as soon as possible, so that someone else can cover that slot.

Entrance logistics and other directions will be emailed to you. All volunteers should wear your squadron shirt and name tag. Bring your squadron burgee if you are from a squadron other than ASPS.



ASPS COW & Founders Day 2025:


Sunday, March 02, 2024
Carrol's Creek Cafe (www.carrolscreek.com)
410 Severn Ave, Annapolis, MD 21403 

11:30am until 4:00pm

Speaker: TBD - Speaker Subject: TBD

Sunday Brunch: Egg Casserole, Scrambled Eggs, French Toast Casserol, Bacon, Sausage, Home Fries, Seasonal Fruit Bowl, Fresh Baked Biscuits, Sausage Gravy, Pitchers of Orange & Cranberry Juice, Coffee & Tea. Cash Bar.


RSVP by Monday, 24 February, 4 PM to
or call Lorrie at 410-305-0232
(Reserve Early - Limit of 45)


$25.00 per person by cash or check at the door.
Make checks payable to ASPS.


Note: All no show reservations
are responsible for the cost of your meal.


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